Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kanak-kanak memang suka meniru..

 Ini baru permulaan..

 When papa solat, Hannan pun nak solat jugak..
but, papa jadi makmum ok!!haha

 Nape papa dah bangun?ke Hannan yg terlupa rakaat berapa?

 "Ok..anan dah abis 'colat' ni"

 Ni adegan lain pulak..bila orang sume sibuk try shoes, 
diapun grab sepasang, then..

 Try to open her shoes..i donno whether she knows what
she's doing..but what i can say, she loves to do what people do around her..
and of course she knows that shoes is not for her..

 Trying beg also..Ya rabbi..salesgirl pun gelak okeh..

 Then, she put back at the place..good girl!

Again, trying to belek2 purse as her aunty was looking 
for the purse also..she juz do what she saw around..

 ni belum adik sendiri lagi..kalau adik sendiri, abis lah..

OMG..see?toddler at the age memang suka meniru 
apa orang buat..bila baby nangis, terus selak baju..adoi..

1 comment:

  1. haha..hanan nk bagi nenen kat baby tu ke?? siap selak baju lagi.Kecik2 dah keibuan..hehe..comelnyee



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